


Retrieve an array of Logistiqo companies by accessing this endpoint. The server will respond with an array of JSON objects that represent the respective companies.

# Company


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
-H "X-API-Key: [[apiKey]]"\
 -H "Authorization: Basic [[basicHash]]"\
-H "Accept: application/json"\
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.CompanyApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class CompanyApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
        ApiKeyAuth ApiKeyAuth = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("ApiKeyAuth");
        ApiKeyAuth.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
        // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
        // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
        HttpBasicAuth BasicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("BasicAuth");
        BasicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
        BasicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

        CompanyApi apiInstance = new CompanyApi();
        try {
            array[CompanyObject] result = apiInstance.getCompanies();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CompanyApi#getCompanies");
import io.swagger.client.api.CompanyApi;

public class CompanyApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CompanyApi apiInstance = new CompanyApi();
        try {
            array[CompanyObject] result = apiInstance.getCompanies();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CompanyApi#getCompanies");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
// Configure API key authorization: (authentication scheme: ApiKeyAuth)
[apiConfig setApiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//[apiConfig setApiKeyPrefix:@"Bearer" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Configure HTTP basic authorization (authentication scheme: BasicAuth)
[apiConfig setUsername:@"YOUR_USERNAME"];
[apiConfig setPassword:@"YOUR_PASSWORD"];

CompanyApi *apiInstance = [[CompanyApi alloc] init];

// Retrieve an array of Logistiqo companies by accessing this endpoint. The server will respond with an array of JSON objects that represent the respective companies.
[apiInstance getCompaniesWithCompletionHandler: 
              ^(array[CompanyObject] output, NSError* error) {
                            if (output) {
                                NSLog(@"%@", output);
                            if (error) {
                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var LogistiqoApi = require('logistiqo_api');
var defaultClient = LogistiqoApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
var ApiKeyAuth = defaultClient.authentications['ApiKeyAuth'];
ApiKeyAuth.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//ApiKeyAuth.apiKeyPrefix['X-API-Key'] = "Token"
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
var BasicAuth = defaultClient.authentications['BasicAuth'];
BasicAuth.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
BasicAuth.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'

var api = new LogistiqoApi.CompanyApi()
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;

namespace Example
    public class getCompaniesExample
        public void main()

            // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
            Configuration.Default.ApiKey.Add("X-API-Key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // Configuration.Default.ApiKeyPrefix.Add("X-API-Key", "Bearer");            // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
            Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
            Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

            var apiInstance = new CompanyApi();

                // Retrieve an array of Logistiqo companies by accessing this endpoint. The server will respond with an array of JSON objects that represent the respective companies.
                array[CompanyObject] result = apiInstance.getCompanies();
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling CompanyApi.getCompanies: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-API-Key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-API-Key', 'Bearer');// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth

$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\ApiCompanyApi();

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getCompanies();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling CompanyApi->getCompanies: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::CompanyApi;

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key->{'X-API-Key'} = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
# uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
#$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key_prefix->{'X-API-Key'} = "Bearer";# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::username = 'YOUR_USERNAME';
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';

my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::CompanyApi->new();

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->getCompanies();
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling CompanyApi->getCompanies: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from swagger_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
swagger_client.configuration.api_key['X-API-Key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# swagger_client.configuration.api_key_prefix['X-API-Key'] = 'Bearer'# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
swagger_client.configuration.username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
swagger_client.configuration.password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.CompanyApi()

    # Retrieve an array of Logistiqo companies by accessing this endpoint. The server will respond with an array of JSON objects that represent the respective companies.
    api_response = api_instance.get_companies()
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling CompanyApi->getCompanies: %s\n" % e)



Status: 200 - Logistiqo CompanyObject


This API allows you to add companies. You need to provide a valid JSON request body with the company information.

# Company


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
-H "X-API-Key: [[apiKey]]"\
 -H "Authorization: Basic [[basicHash]]"\
-H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.CompanyApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class CompanyApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
        ApiKeyAuth ApiKeyAuth = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("ApiKeyAuth");
        ApiKeyAuth.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
        // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
        // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
        HttpBasicAuth BasicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("BasicAuth");
        BasicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
        BasicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

        CompanyApi apiInstance = new CompanyApi();
        CompanyObject body = ; // CompanyObject | 
        try {
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CompanyApi#postCompany");
import io.swagger.client.api.CompanyApi;

public class CompanyApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CompanyApi apiInstance = new CompanyApi();
        CompanyObject body = ; // CompanyObject | 
        try {
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CompanyApi#postCompany");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
// Configure API key authorization: (authentication scheme: ApiKeyAuth)
[apiConfig setApiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//[apiConfig setApiKeyPrefix:@"Bearer" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Configure HTTP basic authorization (authentication scheme: BasicAuth)
[apiConfig setUsername:@"YOUR_USERNAME"];
[apiConfig setPassword:@"YOUR_PASSWORD"];
CompanyObject *body = ; // 

CompanyApi *apiInstance = [[CompanyApi alloc] init];

// This API allows you to add companies. You need to provide a valid JSON request body with the company information.
[apiInstance postCompanyWith:body
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
                            if (error) {
                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var LogistiqoApi = require('logistiqo_api');
var defaultClient = LogistiqoApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
var ApiKeyAuth = defaultClient.authentications['ApiKeyAuth'];
ApiKeyAuth.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//ApiKeyAuth.apiKeyPrefix['X-API-Key'] = "Token"
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
var BasicAuth = defaultClient.authentications['BasicAuth'];
BasicAuth.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
BasicAuth.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'

var api = new LogistiqoApi.CompanyApi()
var body = ; // {{CompanyObject}} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.postCompany(body, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;

namespace Example
    public class postCompanyExample
        public void main()

            // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
            Configuration.Default.ApiKey.Add("X-API-Key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // Configuration.Default.ApiKeyPrefix.Add("X-API-Key", "Bearer");            // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
            Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
            Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

            var apiInstance = new CompanyApi();
            var body = new CompanyObject(); // CompanyObject | 

                // This API allows you to add companies. You need to provide a valid JSON request body with the company information.
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling CompanyApi.postCompany: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-API-Key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-API-Key', 'Bearer');// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth

$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\ApiCompanyApi();
$body = ; // CompanyObject | 

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling CompanyApi->postCompany: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::CompanyApi;

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key->{'X-API-Key'} = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
# uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
#$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key_prefix->{'X-API-Key'} = "Bearer";# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::username = 'YOUR_USERNAME';
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';

my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::CompanyApi->new();
my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::CompanyObject->new(); # CompanyObject | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->postCompany(body => $body);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling CompanyApi->postCompany: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from swagger_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
swagger_client.configuration.api_key['X-API-Key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# swagger_client.configuration.api_key_prefix['X-API-Key'] = 'Bearer'# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
swagger_client.configuration.username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
swagger_client.configuration.password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.CompanyApi()
body =  # CompanyObject | 

    # This API allows you to add companies. You need to provide a valid JSON request body with the company information.
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling CompanyApi->postCompany: %s\n" % e)


Body parameters
Name Description
body *


Status: 200 - Successfully added Company.

Status: 400 - Invalid input.



Retrieve a Logistiqo contract from this endpoint. The response will be an array of JSON objects representing the contracts.



Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
-H "X-API-Key: [[apiKey]]"\
 -H "Authorization: Basic [[basicHash]]"\
-H "Accept: application/json"\
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.ContractApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class ContractApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
        ApiKeyAuth ApiKeyAuth = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("ApiKeyAuth");
        ApiKeyAuth.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
        // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
        // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
        HttpBasicAuth BasicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("BasicAuth");
        BasicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
        BasicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

        ContractApi apiInstance = new ContractApi();
        String status = status_example; // String | select contracts by status active, inactive, all
        try {
            array[Contract] result = apiInstance.getContract(status);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ContractApi#getContract");
import io.swagger.client.api.ContractApi;

public class ContractApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ContractApi apiInstance = new ContractApi();
        String status = status_example; // String | select contracts by status active, inactive, all
        try {
            array[Contract] result = apiInstance.getContract(status);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ContractApi#getContract");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
// Configure API key authorization: (authentication scheme: ApiKeyAuth)
[apiConfig setApiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//[apiConfig setApiKeyPrefix:@"Bearer" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Configure HTTP basic authorization (authentication scheme: BasicAuth)
[apiConfig setUsername:@"YOUR_USERNAME"];
[apiConfig setPassword:@"YOUR_PASSWORD"];
String *status = status_example; // select contracts by status active, inactive, all (default to active)

ContractApi *apiInstance = [[ContractApi alloc] init];

// Retrieve a Logistiqo contract from this endpoint. The response will be an array of JSON objects representing the contracts.
[apiInstance getContractWith:status
              completionHandler: ^(array[Contract] output, NSError* error) {
                            if (output) {
                                NSLog(@"%@", output);
                            if (error) {
                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var LogistiqoApi = require('logistiqo_api');
var defaultClient = LogistiqoApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
var ApiKeyAuth = defaultClient.authentications['ApiKeyAuth'];
ApiKeyAuth.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//ApiKeyAuth.apiKeyPrefix['X-API-Key'] = "Token"
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
var BasicAuth = defaultClient.authentications['BasicAuth'];
BasicAuth.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
BasicAuth.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'

var api = new LogistiqoApi.ContractApi()
var status = status_example; // {{String}} select contracts by status active, inactive, all

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.getContract(status, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;

namespace Example
    public class getContractExample
        public void main()

            // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
            Configuration.Default.ApiKey.Add("X-API-Key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // Configuration.Default.ApiKeyPrefix.Add("X-API-Key", "Bearer");            // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
            Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
            Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

            var apiInstance = new ContractApi();
            var status = status_example;  // String | select contracts by status active, inactive, all (default to active)

                // Retrieve a Logistiqo contract from this endpoint. The response will be an array of JSON objects representing the contracts.
                array[Contract] result = apiInstance.getContract(status);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ContractApi.getContract: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-API-Key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-API-Key', 'Bearer');// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth

$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\ApiContractApi();
$status = status_example; // String | select contracts by status active, inactive, all

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getContract($status);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling ContractApi->getContract: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::ContractApi;

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key->{'X-API-Key'} = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
# uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
#$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key_prefix->{'X-API-Key'} = "Bearer";# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::username = 'YOUR_USERNAME';
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';

my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::ContractApi->new();
my $status = status_example; # String | select contracts by status active, inactive, all

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->getContract(status => $status);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling ContractApi->getContract: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from swagger_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
swagger_client.configuration.api_key['X-API-Key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# swagger_client.configuration.api_key_prefix['X-API-Key'] = 'Bearer'# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
swagger_client.configuration.username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
swagger_client.configuration.password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.ContractApi()
status = status_example # String | select contracts by status active, inactive, all (default to active)

    # Retrieve a Logistiqo contract from this endpoint. The response will be an array of JSON objects representing the contracts.
    api_response = api_instance.get_contract(status)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ContractApi->getContract: %s\n" % e)


Query parameters
Name Description
select contracts by status active, inactive, all


Status: 200 - Logistiqo Contract



From this endpoint, you can retrieve a list of invoices. The endpoint allows you to filter invoices based on different criteria such as month, year, date, or invoice number.



Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
-H "X-API-Key: [[apiKey]]"\
 -H "Authorization: Basic [[basicHash]]"\
-H "Accept: application/json"\
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.InvoiceApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class InvoiceApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
        ApiKeyAuth ApiKeyAuth = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("ApiKeyAuth");
        ApiKeyAuth.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
        // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
        // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
        HttpBasicAuth BasicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("BasicAuth");
        BasicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
        BasicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

        InvoiceApi apiInstance = new InvoiceApi();
        String month = month_example; // String | select invoices by month
        String year = year_example; // String | select invoices by year
        String date = date_example; // String | select invoices by date
        String number = number_example; // String | select invoices by number
        try {
            array[Invoice] result = apiInstance.getInvoice(month, year, date, number);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling InvoiceApi#getInvoice");
import io.swagger.client.api.InvoiceApi;

public class InvoiceApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        InvoiceApi apiInstance = new InvoiceApi();
        String month = month_example; // String | select invoices by month
        String year = year_example; // String | select invoices by year
        String date = date_example; // String | select invoices by date
        String number = number_example; // String | select invoices by number
        try {
            array[Invoice] result = apiInstance.getInvoice(month, year, date, number);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling InvoiceApi#getInvoice");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
// Configure API key authorization: (authentication scheme: ApiKeyAuth)
[apiConfig setApiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//[apiConfig setApiKeyPrefix:@"Bearer" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Configure HTTP basic authorization (authentication scheme: BasicAuth)
[apiConfig setUsername:@"YOUR_USERNAME"];
[apiConfig setPassword:@"YOUR_PASSWORD"];
String *month = month_example; // select invoices by month (optional)
String *year = year_example; // select invoices by year (optional)
String *date = date_example; // select invoices by date (optional)
String *number = number_example; // select invoices by number (optional)

InvoiceApi *apiInstance = [[InvoiceApi alloc] init];

// From this endpoint, you can retrieve a list of invoices. The endpoint allows you to filter invoices based on different criteria such as month, year, date, or invoice number.
[apiInstance getInvoiceWith:month
              completionHandler: ^(array[Invoice] output, NSError* error) {
                            if (output) {
                                NSLog(@"%@", output);
                            if (error) {
                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var LogistiqoApi = require('logistiqo_api');
var defaultClient = LogistiqoApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
var ApiKeyAuth = defaultClient.authentications['ApiKeyAuth'];
ApiKeyAuth.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//ApiKeyAuth.apiKeyPrefix['X-API-Key'] = "Token"
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
var BasicAuth = defaultClient.authentications['BasicAuth'];
BasicAuth.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
BasicAuth.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'

var api = new LogistiqoApi.InvoiceApi()
var opts = { 
  'month': month_example, // {{String}} select invoices by month
  'year': year_example, // {{String}} select invoices by year
  'date': date_example, // {{String}} select invoices by date
  'number': number_example // {{String}} select invoices by number
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.getInvoice(opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;

namespace Example
    public class getInvoiceExample
        public void main()

            // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
            Configuration.Default.ApiKey.Add("X-API-Key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // Configuration.Default.ApiKeyPrefix.Add("X-API-Key", "Bearer");            // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
            Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
            Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

            var apiInstance = new InvoiceApi();
            var month = month_example;  // String | select invoices by month (optional) 
            var year = year_example;  // String | select invoices by year (optional) 
            var date = date_example;  // String | select invoices by date (optional) 
            var number = number_example;  // String | select invoices by number (optional) 

                // From this endpoint, you can retrieve a list of invoices. The endpoint allows you to filter invoices based on different criteria such as month, year, date, or invoice number.
                array[Invoice] result = apiInstance.getInvoice(month, year, date, number);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling InvoiceApi.getInvoice: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-API-Key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-API-Key', 'Bearer');// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth

$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\ApiInvoiceApi();
$month = month_example; // String | select invoices by month
$year = year_example; // String | select invoices by year
$date = date_example; // String | select invoices by date
$number = number_example; // String | select invoices by number

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getInvoice($month, $year, $date, $number);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling InvoiceApi->getInvoice: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::InvoiceApi;

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key->{'X-API-Key'} = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
# uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
#$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key_prefix->{'X-API-Key'} = "Bearer";# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::username = 'YOUR_USERNAME';
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';

my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::InvoiceApi->new();
my $month = month_example; # String | select invoices by month
my $year = year_example; # String | select invoices by year
my $date = date_example; # String | select invoices by date
my $number = number_example; # String | select invoices by number

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->getInvoice(month => $month, year => $year, date => $date, number => $number);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling InvoiceApi->getInvoice: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from swagger_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
swagger_client.configuration.api_key['X-API-Key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# swagger_client.configuration.api_key_prefix['X-API-Key'] = 'Bearer'# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
swagger_client.configuration.username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
swagger_client.configuration.password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.InvoiceApi()
month = month_example # String | select invoices by month (optional)
year = year_example # String | select invoices by year (optional)
date = date_example # String | select invoices by date (optional)
number = number_example # String | select invoices by number (optional)

    # From this endpoint, you can retrieve a list of invoices. The endpoint allows you to filter invoices based on different criteria such as month, year, date, or invoice number.
    api_response = api_instance.get_invoice(month=month, year=year, date=date, number=number)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling InvoiceApi->getInvoice: %s\n" % e)


Query parameters
Name Description
select invoices by month
select invoices by year
select invoices by date
select invoices by number


Status: 200 - List of Invoices



This API enables you to retrieve a Logistiqo manifest for seamless integration into your own system.

# Manifest


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
-H "X-API-Key: [[apiKey]]"\
 -H "Authorization: Basic [[basicHash]]"\
-H "Accept: application/json"\
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.ManifestApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class ManifestApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
        ApiKeyAuth ApiKeyAuth = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("ApiKeyAuth");
        ApiKeyAuth.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
        // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
        // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
        HttpBasicAuth BasicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("BasicAuth");
        BasicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
        BasicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

        ManifestApi apiInstance = new ManifestApi();
        Integer id = 56; // Integer | Choose a single manifest ID for retrieval.
        try {
            Manifest result = apiInstance.getManifest(id);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ManifestApi#getManifest");
import io.swagger.client.api.ManifestApi;

public class ManifestApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ManifestApi apiInstance = new ManifestApi();
        Integer id = 56; // Integer | Choose a single manifest ID for retrieval.
        try {
            Manifest result = apiInstance.getManifest(id);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ManifestApi#getManifest");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
// Configure API key authorization: (authentication scheme: ApiKeyAuth)
[apiConfig setApiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//[apiConfig setApiKeyPrefix:@"Bearer" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Configure HTTP basic authorization (authentication scheme: BasicAuth)
[apiConfig setUsername:@"YOUR_USERNAME"];
[apiConfig setPassword:@"YOUR_PASSWORD"];
Integer *id = 56; // Choose a single manifest ID for retrieval.

ManifestApi *apiInstance = [[ManifestApi alloc] init];

// This API enables you to retrieve a Logistiqo manifest for seamless integration into your own system.
[apiInstance getManifestWith:id
              completionHandler: ^(Manifest output, NSError* error) {
                            if (output) {
                                NSLog(@"%@", output);
                            if (error) {
                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var LogistiqoApi = require('logistiqo_api');
var defaultClient = LogistiqoApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
var ApiKeyAuth = defaultClient.authentications['ApiKeyAuth'];
ApiKeyAuth.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//ApiKeyAuth.apiKeyPrefix['X-API-Key'] = "Token"
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
var BasicAuth = defaultClient.authentications['BasicAuth'];
BasicAuth.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
BasicAuth.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'

var api = new LogistiqoApi.ManifestApi()
var id = 56; // {{Integer}} Choose a single manifest ID for retrieval.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.getManifest(id, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;

namespace Example
    public class getManifestExample
        public void main()

            // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
            Configuration.Default.ApiKey.Add("X-API-Key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // Configuration.Default.ApiKeyPrefix.Add("X-API-Key", "Bearer");            // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
            Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
            Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

            var apiInstance = new ManifestApi();
            var id = 56;  // Integer | Choose a single manifest ID for retrieval.

                // This API enables you to retrieve a Logistiqo manifest for seamless integration into your own system.
                Manifest result = apiInstance.getManifest(id);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManifestApi.getManifest: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-API-Key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-API-Key', 'Bearer');// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth

$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\ApiManifestApi();
$id = 56; // Integer | Choose a single manifest ID for retrieval.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getManifest($id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling ManifestApi->getManifest: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::ManifestApi;

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key->{'X-API-Key'} = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
# uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
#$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key_prefix->{'X-API-Key'} = "Bearer";# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::username = 'YOUR_USERNAME';
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';

my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::ManifestApi->new();
my $id = 56; # Integer | Choose a single manifest ID for retrieval.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->getManifest(id => $id);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling ManifestApi->getManifest: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from swagger_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
swagger_client.configuration.api_key['X-API-Key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# swagger_client.configuration.api_key_prefix['X-API-Key'] = 'Bearer'# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
swagger_client.configuration.username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
swagger_client.configuration.password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.ManifestApi()
id = 56 # Integer | Choose a single manifest ID for retrieval.

    # This API enables you to retrieve a Logistiqo manifest for seamless integration into your own system.
    api_response = api_instance.get_manifest(id)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ManifestApi->getManifest: %s\n" % e)


Path parameters
Name Description
Choose a single manifest ID for retrieval.


Status: 200 - OK

Status: 404 - Not Found


This API allows you to create manifests, which can export unplanned, planned, and optimized tours or bundles of shipments.

# Manifest This API provides a comprehensive set of functionalities to export unplanned, planned, and optimized tours or bundles of shipments, regardless of whether they are transported by your own vehicles or contractors. While importing shipments may be your primary objective, it is crucial to bundle them within a manifest. To prevent the creation of manifests, simply set the 'createManifest' field to false. It is also important to use a unique reference for each manifest to ensure data integrity within the system. Moreover, this API empowers you to effortlessly create Master and House Air Waybills (MAWB and HAWB). You can leverage the manifest fields for the MAWB and the shipment fields for the HAWB. By designating the manifest as a MAWB, you establish a seamless link between the shipment and the MAWB. Similarly, including a HAWB within the shipment establishes a clear connection between the shipment and the HAWB. In the event that either the MAWB or the HAWB does not exist, this API will automatically generate both to maintain consistency. With these powerful capabilities, this API simplifies and enhances the management of shipments, manifests, and Air Waybills, ensuring efficient and accurate logistics operations.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
-H "X-API-Key: [[apiKey]]"\
 -H "Authorization: Basic [[basicHash]]"\
-H "Accept: application/json"\
-H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.ManifestApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class ManifestApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
        ApiKeyAuth ApiKeyAuth = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("ApiKeyAuth");
        ApiKeyAuth.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
        // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
        // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
        HttpBasicAuth BasicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("BasicAuth");
        BasicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
        BasicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

        ManifestApi apiInstance = new ManifestApi();
        Manifest body = ; // Manifest | 
        try {
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ManifestApi#postManifest");
import io.swagger.client.api.ManifestApi;

public class ManifestApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ManifestApi apiInstance = new ManifestApi();
        Manifest body = ; // Manifest | 
        try {
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ManifestApi#postManifest");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
// Configure API key authorization: (authentication scheme: ApiKeyAuth)
[apiConfig setApiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//[apiConfig setApiKeyPrefix:@"Bearer" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Configure HTTP basic authorization (authentication scheme: BasicAuth)
[apiConfig setUsername:@"YOUR_USERNAME"];
[apiConfig setPassword:@"YOUR_PASSWORD"];
Manifest *body = ; // 

ManifestApi *apiInstance = [[ManifestApi alloc] init];

// This API allows you to create manifests, which can export unplanned, planned, and optimized tours or bundles of shipments.
[apiInstance postManifestWith:body
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
                            if (error) {
                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var LogistiqoApi = require('logistiqo_api');
var defaultClient = LogistiqoApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
var ApiKeyAuth = defaultClient.authentications['ApiKeyAuth'];
ApiKeyAuth.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//ApiKeyAuth.apiKeyPrefix['X-API-Key'] = "Token"
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
var BasicAuth = defaultClient.authentications['BasicAuth'];
BasicAuth.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
BasicAuth.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'

var api = new LogistiqoApi.ManifestApi()
var body = ; // {{Manifest}} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.postManifest(body, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;

namespace Example
    public class postManifestExample
        public void main()

            // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
            Configuration.Default.ApiKey.Add("X-API-Key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // Configuration.Default.ApiKeyPrefix.Add("X-API-Key", "Bearer");            // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
            Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
            Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

            var apiInstance = new ManifestApi();
            var body = new Manifest(); // Manifest | 

                // This API allows you to create manifests, which can export unplanned, planned, and optimized tours or bundles of shipments.
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManifestApi.postManifest: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-API-Key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-API-Key', 'Bearer');// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth

$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\ApiManifestApi();
$body = ; // Manifest | 

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling ManifestApi->postManifest: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::ManifestApi;

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key->{'X-API-Key'} = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
# uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
#$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key_prefix->{'X-API-Key'} = "Bearer";# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::username = 'YOUR_USERNAME';
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';

my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::ManifestApi->new();
my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::Manifest->new(); # Manifest | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->postManifest(body => $body);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling ManifestApi->postManifest: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from swagger_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
swagger_client.configuration.api_key['X-API-Key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# swagger_client.configuration.api_key_prefix['X-API-Key'] = 'Bearer'# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
swagger_client.configuration.username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
swagger_client.configuration.password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.ManifestApi()
body =  # Manifest | 

    # This API allows you to create manifests, which can export unplanned, planned, and optimized tours or bundles of shipments.
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ManifestApi->postManifest: %s\n" % e)


Body parameters
Name Description
body *


Status: 200 - The manifest was created succesfully

Status: 208 - The manifest already exists

Status: 400 - Bad request

Status: 401 - Unauthorized

Status: 406 - No valid JSON Body in your request

Status: 500 - Internal server error

Status: default - The response includes a response status object containing a 'Message' and a 'Status' wherever applicable



This API allows you to retrieve a shipment by its unique ID.

# Shipment


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
-H "X-API-Key: [[apiKey]]"\
 -H "Authorization: Basic [[basicHash]]"\
-H "Accept: application/json"\
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.ShipmentApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class ShipmentApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
        ApiKeyAuth ApiKeyAuth = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("ApiKeyAuth");
        ApiKeyAuth.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
        // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
        // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
        HttpBasicAuth BasicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("BasicAuth");
        BasicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
        BasicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

        ShipmentApi apiInstance = new ShipmentApi();
        Integer id = 56; // Integer | The ID of the shipment to get.
        Boolean includeUploadedFiles = true; // Boolean | Flag indicating whether to include upload files in the response. Default is false.
        try {
            Shipment result = apiInstance.getShipment(id, includeUploadedFiles);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ShipmentApi#getShipment");
import io.swagger.client.api.ShipmentApi;

public class ShipmentApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ShipmentApi apiInstance = new ShipmentApi();
        Integer id = 56; // Integer | The ID of the shipment to get.
        Boolean includeUploadedFiles = true; // Boolean | Flag indicating whether to include upload files in the response. Default is false.
        try {
            Shipment result = apiInstance.getShipment(id, includeUploadedFiles);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ShipmentApi#getShipment");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
// Configure API key authorization: (authentication scheme: ApiKeyAuth)
[apiConfig setApiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//[apiConfig setApiKeyPrefix:@"Bearer" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Configure HTTP basic authorization (authentication scheme: BasicAuth)
[apiConfig setUsername:@"YOUR_USERNAME"];
[apiConfig setPassword:@"YOUR_PASSWORD"];
Integer *id = 56; // The ID of the shipment to get.
Boolean *includeUploadedFiles = true; // Flag indicating whether to include upload files in the response. Default is false. (optional)

ShipmentApi *apiInstance = [[ShipmentApi alloc] init];

// This API allows you to retrieve a shipment by its unique ID.
[apiInstance getShipmentWith:id
              completionHandler: ^(Shipment output, NSError* error) {
                            if (output) {
                                NSLog(@"%@", output);
                            if (error) {
                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var LogistiqoApi = require('logistiqo_api');
var defaultClient = LogistiqoApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
var ApiKeyAuth = defaultClient.authentications['ApiKeyAuth'];
ApiKeyAuth.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//ApiKeyAuth.apiKeyPrefix['X-API-Key'] = "Token"
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
var BasicAuth = defaultClient.authentications['BasicAuth'];
BasicAuth.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
BasicAuth.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'

var api = new LogistiqoApi.ShipmentApi()
var id = 56; // {{Integer}} The ID of the shipment to get.
var opts = { 
  'includeUploadedFiles': true // {{Boolean}} Flag indicating whether to include upload files in the response. Default is false.
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.getShipment(id, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;

namespace Example
    public class getShipmentExample
        public void main()

            // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
            Configuration.Default.ApiKey.Add("X-API-Key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // Configuration.Default.ApiKeyPrefix.Add("X-API-Key", "Bearer");            // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
            Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
            Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

            var apiInstance = new ShipmentApi();
            var id = 56;  // Integer | The ID of the shipment to get.
            var includeUploadedFiles = true;  // Boolean | Flag indicating whether to include upload files in the response. Default is false. (optional) 

                // This API allows you to retrieve a shipment by its unique ID.
                Shipment result = apiInstance.getShipment(id, includeUploadedFiles);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ShipmentApi.getShipment: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-API-Key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-API-Key', 'Bearer');// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth

$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\ApiShipmentApi();
$id = 56; // Integer | The ID of the shipment to get.
$includeUploadedFiles = true; // Boolean | Flag indicating whether to include upload files in the response. Default is false.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getShipment($id, $includeUploadedFiles);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling ShipmentApi->getShipment: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::ShipmentApi;

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key->{'X-API-Key'} = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
# uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
#$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key_prefix->{'X-API-Key'} = "Bearer";# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::username = 'YOUR_USERNAME';
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';

my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::ShipmentApi->new();
my $id = 56; # Integer | The ID of the shipment to get.
my $includeUploadedFiles = true; # Boolean | Flag indicating whether to include upload files in the response. Default is false.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->getShipment(id => $id, includeUploadedFiles => $includeUploadedFiles);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling ShipmentApi->getShipment: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from swagger_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
swagger_client.configuration.api_key['X-API-Key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# swagger_client.configuration.api_key_prefix['X-API-Key'] = 'Bearer'# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
swagger_client.configuration.username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
swagger_client.configuration.password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.ShipmentApi()
id = 56 # Integer | The ID of the shipment to get.
includeUploadedFiles = true # Boolean | Flag indicating whether to include upload files in the response. Default is false. (optional)

    # This API allows you to retrieve a shipment by its unique ID.
    api_response = api_instance.get_shipment(id, includeUploadedFiles=includeUploadedFiles)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ShipmentApi->getShipment: %s\n" % e)


Path parameters
Name Description
The ID of the shipment to get.
Query parameters
Name Description
Flag indicating whether to include upload files in the response. Default is false.


Status: 200 - OK

Status: 404 - Not Found



Retrieve shipment information from this endpoint. You can filter the shipments based on various criteria such as shipment number, customer reference, creation date, modification date, and status modification date.

# Shipment


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
-H "X-API-Key: [[apiKey]]"\
 -H "Authorization: Basic [[basicHash]]"\
-H "Accept: application/json"\
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.ShipmentTableApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class ShipmentTableApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
        ApiKeyAuth ApiKeyAuth = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("ApiKeyAuth");
        ApiKeyAuth.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
        // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
        // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
        HttpBasicAuth BasicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("BasicAuth");
        BasicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
        BasicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

        ShipmentTableApi apiInstance = new ShipmentTableApi();
        String shipment = shipment_example; // String | select one single shipment no, if not used all shipments will be returned
        String reference = reference_example; // String | select one single customer reference, if not used all shipments will be returned
        String year = year_example; // String | filter on created in year use format yyyy
        String month = month_example; // String | filter on created in month, use format MM, can be combined with year
        String createdOn = createdOn_example; // String | filter on created on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy
        String modifiedOn = modifiedOn_example; // String | filter on current date greater than modified on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy
        String statusModifiedOn = statusModifiedOn_example; // String | filter on current date greater than status modified on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy
        try {
            ShipmentListResponse result = apiInstance.getShipmentList(shipment, reference, year, month, createdOn, modifiedOn, statusModifiedOn);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ShipmentTableApi#getShipmentList");
import io.swagger.client.api.ShipmentTableApi;

public class ShipmentTableApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ShipmentTableApi apiInstance = new ShipmentTableApi();
        String shipment = shipment_example; // String | select one single shipment no, if not used all shipments will be returned
        String reference = reference_example; // String | select one single customer reference, if not used all shipments will be returned
        String year = year_example; // String | filter on created in year use format yyyy
        String month = month_example; // String | filter on created in month, use format MM, can be combined with year
        String createdOn = createdOn_example; // String | filter on created on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy
        String modifiedOn = modifiedOn_example; // String | filter on current date greater than modified on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy
        String statusModifiedOn = statusModifiedOn_example; // String | filter on current date greater than status modified on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy
        try {
            ShipmentListResponse result = apiInstance.getShipmentList(shipment, reference, year, month, createdOn, modifiedOn, statusModifiedOn);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ShipmentTableApi#getShipmentList");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
// Configure API key authorization: (authentication scheme: ApiKeyAuth)
[apiConfig setApiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//[apiConfig setApiKeyPrefix:@"Bearer" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Configure HTTP basic authorization (authentication scheme: BasicAuth)
[apiConfig setUsername:@"YOUR_USERNAME"];
[apiConfig setPassword:@"YOUR_PASSWORD"];
String *shipment = shipment_example; // select one single shipment no, if not used all shipments will be returned (optional)
String *reference = reference_example; // select one single customer reference, if not used all shipments will be returned (optional)
String *year = year_example; // filter on created in year use format yyyy (optional) (default to 2023)
String *month = month_example; // filter on created in month, use format MM, can be combined with year (optional) (default to 11)
String *createdOn = createdOn_example; // filter on created on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy (optional)
String *modifiedOn = modifiedOn_example; // filter on current date greater than modified on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy (optional)
String *statusModifiedOn = statusModifiedOn_example; // filter on current date greater than status modified on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy (optional)

ShipmentTableApi *apiInstance = [[ShipmentTableApi alloc] init];

// Retrieve shipment information from this endpoint. You can filter the shipments based on various criteria such as shipment number, customer reference, creation date, modification date, and status modification date.
[apiInstance getShipmentListWith:shipment
              completionHandler: ^(ShipmentListResponse output, NSError* error) {
                            if (output) {
                                NSLog(@"%@", output);
                            if (error) {
                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var LogistiqoApi = require('logistiqo_api');
var defaultClient = LogistiqoApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
var ApiKeyAuth = defaultClient.authentications['ApiKeyAuth'];
ApiKeyAuth.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//ApiKeyAuth.apiKeyPrefix['X-API-Key'] = "Token"
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
var BasicAuth = defaultClient.authentications['BasicAuth'];
BasicAuth.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
BasicAuth.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'

var api = new LogistiqoApi.ShipmentTableApi()
var opts = { 
  'shipment': shipment_example, // {{String}} select one single shipment no, if not used all shipments will be returned
  'reference': reference_example, // {{String}} select one single customer reference, if not used all shipments will be returned
  'year': year_example, // {{String}} filter on created in year use format yyyy
  'month': month_example, // {{String}} filter on created in month, use format MM, can be combined with year
  'createdOn': createdOn_example, // {{String}} filter on created on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy
  'modifiedOn': modifiedOn_example, // {{String}} filter on current date greater than modified on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy
  'statusModifiedOn': statusModifiedOn_example // {{String}} filter on current date greater than status modified on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.getShipmentList(opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;

namespace Example
    public class getShipmentListExample
        public void main()

            // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
            Configuration.Default.ApiKey.Add("X-API-Key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // Configuration.Default.ApiKeyPrefix.Add("X-API-Key", "Bearer");            // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
            Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
            Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

            var apiInstance = new ShipmentTableApi();
            var shipment = shipment_example;  // String | select one single shipment no, if not used all shipments will be returned (optional) 
            var reference = reference_example;  // String | select one single customer reference, if not used all shipments will be returned (optional) 
            var year = year_example;  // String | filter on created in year use format yyyy (optional)  (default to 2023)
            var month = month_example;  // String | filter on created in month, use format MM, can be combined with year (optional)  (default to 11)
            var createdOn = createdOn_example;  // String | filter on created on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy (optional) 
            var modifiedOn = modifiedOn_example;  // String | filter on current date greater than modified on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy (optional) 
            var statusModifiedOn = statusModifiedOn_example;  // String | filter on current date greater than status modified on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy (optional) 

                // Retrieve shipment information from this endpoint. You can filter the shipments based on various criteria such as shipment number, customer reference, creation date, modification date, and status modification date.
                ShipmentListResponse result = apiInstance.getShipmentList(shipment, reference, year, month, createdOn, modifiedOn, statusModifiedOn);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ShipmentTableApi.getShipmentList: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-API-Key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-API-Key', 'Bearer');// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth

$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\ApiShipmentTableApi();
$shipment = shipment_example; // String | select one single shipment no, if not used all shipments will be returned
$reference = reference_example; // String | select one single customer reference, if not used all shipments will be returned
$year = year_example; // String | filter on created in year use format yyyy
$month = month_example; // String | filter on created in month, use format MM, can be combined with year
$createdOn = createdOn_example; // String | filter on created on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy
$modifiedOn = modifiedOn_example; // String | filter on current date greater than modified on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy
$statusModifiedOn = statusModifiedOn_example; // String | filter on current date greater than status modified on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getShipmentList($shipment, $reference, $year, $month, $createdOn, $modifiedOn, $statusModifiedOn);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling ShipmentTableApi->getShipmentList: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::ShipmentTableApi;

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key->{'X-API-Key'} = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
# uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
#$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key_prefix->{'X-API-Key'} = "Bearer";# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::username = 'YOUR_USERNAME';
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';

my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::ShipmentTableApi->new();
my $shipment = shipment_example; # String | select one single shipment no, if not used all shipments will be returned
my $reference = reference_example; # String | select one single customer reference, if not used all shipments will be returned
my $year = year_example; # String | filter on created in year use format yyyy
my $month = month_example; # String | filter on created in month, use format MM, can be combined with year
my $createdOn = createdOn_example; # String | filter on created on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy
my $modifiedOn = modifiedOn_example; # String | filter on current date greater than modified on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy
my $statusModifiedOn = statusModifiedOn_example; # String | filter on current date greater than status modified on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->getShipmentList(shipment => $shipment, reference => $reference, year => $year, month => $month, createdOn => $createdOn, modifiedOn => $modifiedOn, statusModifiedOn => $statusModifiedOn);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling ShipmentTableApi->getShipmentList: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from swagger_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
swagger_client.configuration.api_key['X-API-Key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# swagger_client.configuration.api_key_prefix['X-API-Key'] = 'Bearer'# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
swagger_client.configuration.username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
swagger_client.configuration.password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.ShipmentTableApi()
shipment = shipment_example # String | select one single shipment no, if not used all shipments will be returned (optional)
reference = reference_example # String | select one single customer reference, if not used all shipments will be returned (optional)
year = year_example # String | filter on created in year use format yyyy (optional) (default to 2023)
month = month_example # String | filter on created in month, use format MM, can be combined with year (optional) (default to 11)
createdOn = createdOn_example # String | filter on created on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy (optional)
modifiedOn = modifiedOn_example # String | filter on current date greater than modified on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy (optional)
statusModifiedOn = statusModifiedOn_example # String | filter on current date greater than status modified on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy (optional)

    # Retrieve shipment information from this endpoint. You can filter the shipments based on various criteria such as shipment number, customer reference, creation date, modification date, and status modification date.
    api_response = api_instance.get_shipment_list(shipment=shipment, reference=reference, year=year, month=month, createdOn=createdOn, modifiedOn=modifiedOn, statusModifiedOn=statusModifiedOn)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ShipmentTableApi->getShipmentList: %s\n" % e)


Query parameters
Name Description
select one single shipment no, if not used all shipments will be returned
select one single customer reference, if not used all shipments will be returned
filter on created in year use format yyyy
filter on created in month, use format MM, can be combined with year
filter on created on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy
filter on current date greater than modified on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy
filter on current date greater than status modified on date, use format dd.MM.yyyy


Status: 200 - Success



This API allows you to add a status. You need to provide a valid JSON request body with the status information.

# Status


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
-H "X-API-Key: [[apiKey]]"\
 -H "Authorization: Basic [[basicHash]]"\
-H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.StatusApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class StatusApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
        ApiKeyAuth ApiKeyAuth = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("ApiKeyAuth");
        ApiKeyAuth.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
        // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
        // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
        HttpBasicAuth BasicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("BasicAuth");
        BasicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
        BasicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

        StatusApi apiInstance = new StatusApi();
        Status body = ; // Status | 
        try {
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling StatusApi#postStatus");
import io.swagger.client.api.StatusApi;

public class StatusApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        StatusApi apiInstance = new StatusApi();
        Status body = ; // Status | 
        try {
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling StatusApi#postStatus");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
// Configure API key authorization: (authentication scheme: ApiKeyAuth)
[apiConfig setApiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//[apiConfig setApiKeyPrefix:@"Bearer" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Configure HTTP basic authorization (authentication scheme: BasicAuth)
[apiConfig setUsername:@"YOUR_USERNAME"];
[apiConfig setPassword:@"YOUR_PASSWORD"];
Status *body = ; // 

StatusApi *apiInstance = [[StatusApi alloc] init];

// This API allows you to add a status. You need to provide a valid JSON request body with the status information.
[apiInstance postStatusWith:body
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
                            if (error) {
                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var LogistiqoApi = require('logistiqo_api');
var defaultClient = LogistiqoApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
var ApiKeyAuth = defaultClient.authentications['ApiKeyAuth'];
ApiKeyAuth.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//ApiKeyAuth.apiKeyPrefix['X-API-Key'] = "Token"
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
var BasicAuth = defaultClient.authentications['BasicAuth'];
BasicAuth.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
BasicAuth.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'

var api = new LogistiqoApi.StatusApi()
var body = ; // {{Status}} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.postStatus(body, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;

namespace Example
    public class postStatusExample
        public void main()

            // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
            Configuration.Default.ApiKey.Add("X-API-Key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // Configuration.Default.ApiKeyPrefix.Add("X-API-Key", "Bearer");            // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
            Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
            Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

            var apiInstance = new StatusApi();
            var body = new Status(); // Status | 

                // This API allows you to add a status. You need to provide a valid JSON request body with the status information.
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling StatusApi.postStatus: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-API-Key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-API-Key', 'Bearer');// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth

$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\ApiStatusApi();
$body = ; // Status | 

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling StatusApi->postStatus: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::StatusApi;

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key->{'X-API-Key'} = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
# uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
#$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key_prefix->{'X-API-Key'} = "Bearer";# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::username = 'YOUR_USERNAME';
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';

my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::StatusApi->new();
my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::Status->new(); # Status | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->postStatus(body => $body);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling StatusApi->postStatus: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from swagger_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
swagger_client.configuration.api_key['X-API-Key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# swagger_client.configuration.api_key_prefix['X-API-Key'] = 'Bearer'# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
swagger_client.configuration.username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
swagger_client.configuration.password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.StatusApi()
body =  # Status | 

    # This API allows you to add a status. You need to provide a valid JSON request body with the status information.
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling StatusApi->postStatus: %s\n" % e)


Body parameters
Name Description
body *


Status: 200 - The status successfully added

Status: 400 - Bad request

Status: 401 - Unauthorized

Status: 406 - No valid JSON Body in your request

Status: 422 - Unprocessable Content

Status: 500 - Internal server error

Status: default - The response includes a response status object containing a 'Message' and a 'Status' wherever applicable



This API allows you to add barcode scans for the warehouse. You need to provide a valid JSON request body with the barcode information.

# Warehouse


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
-H "X-API-Key: [[apiKey]]"\
 -H "Authorization: Basic [[basicHash]]"\
-H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.WarehouseApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class WarehouseApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
        ApiKeyAuth ApiKeyAuth = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("ApiKeyAuth");
        ApiKeyAuth.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
        // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
        // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
        HttpBasicAuth BasicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("BasicAuth");
        BasicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
        BasicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

        WarehouseApi apiInstance = new WarehouseApi();
        Barcode body = ; // Barcode | 
        try {
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling WarehouseApi#postWarehouse");
import io.swagger.client.api.WarehouseApi;

public class WarehouseApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        WarehouseApi apiInstance = new WarehouseApi();
        Barcode body = ; // Barcode | 
        try {
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling WarehouseApi#postWarehouse");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
// Configure API key authorization: (authentication scheme: ApiKeyAuth)
[apiConfig setApiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//[apiConfig setApiKeyPrefix:@"Bearer" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"X-API-Key"];
// Configure HTTP basic authorization (authentication scheme: BasicAuth)
[apiConfig setUsername:@"YOUR_USERNAME"];
[apiConfig setPassword:@"YOUR_PASSWORD"];
Barcode *body = ; // 

WarehouseApi *apiInstance = [[WarehouseApi alloc] init];

// This API allows you to add barcode scans for the warehouse. You need to provide a valid JSON request body with the barcode information.
[apiInstance postWarehouseWith:body
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
                            if (error) {
                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var LogistiqoApi = require('logistiqo_api');
var defaultClient = LogistiqoApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
var ApiKeyAuth = defaultClient.authentications['ApiKeyAuth'];
ApiKeyAuth.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//ApiKeyAuth.apiKeyPrefix['X-API-Key'] = "Token"
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
var BasicAuth = defaultClient.authentications['BasicAuth'];
BasicAuth.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
BasicAuth.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'

var api = new LogistiqoApi.WarehouseApi()
var body = ; // {{Barcode}} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.postWarehouse(body, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;

namespace Example
    public class postWarehouseExample
        public void main()

            // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
            Configuration.Default.ApiKey.Add("X-API-Key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // Configuration.Default.ApiKeyPrefix.Add("X-API-Key", "Bearer");            // Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
            Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
            Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

            var apiInstance = new WarehouseApi();
            var body = new Barcode(); // Barcode | 

                // This API allows you to add barcode scans for the warehouse. You need to provide a valid JSON request body with the barcode information.
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling WarehouseApi.postWarehouse: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-API-Key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-API-Key', 'Bearer');// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth

$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\ApiWarehouseApi();
$body = ; // Barcode | 

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling WarehouseApi->postWarehouse: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::WarehouseApi;

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key->{'X-API-Key'} = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
# uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
#$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key_prefix->{'X-API-Key'} = "Bearer";# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::username = 'YOUR_USERNAME';
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';

my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::WarehouseApi->new();
my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::Barcode->new(); # Barcode | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->postWarehouse(body => $body);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling WarehouseApi->postWarehouse: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from swagger_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
swagger_client.configuration.api_key['X-API-Key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# swagger_client.configuration.api_key_prefix['X-API-Key'] = 'Bearer'# Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
swagger_client.configuration.username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
swagger_client.configuration.password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.WarehouseApi()
body =  # Barcode | 

    # This API allows you to add barcode scans for the warehouse. You need to provide a valid JSON request body with the barcode information.
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling WarehouseApi->postWarehouse: %s\n" % e)


Body parameters
Name Description
body *


Status: 200 - Successfully added barcode.

Status: 400 - Invalid input.